Show a staff member that you can login to your institution's library account
We will then look to see when that account expires
The staff member will create an account for you and provide you with your login information
This process may take a few days.
How to request items
To request items, either from OSU Libraries or Summit, you must login to 1Search, our library catalog. Choose "Community Cardholder" and login with the following format:
Login: Summit Institution ID Number
Password: Last name + Last 4 digits of ID number (i.e. Smith1234)
Once you are logged in, and find an item you want:
OSU items
Click "Availability & Request Options"
Click "Request" next to "Request Options"
Choose "Bend OSU-Cascades Tykeson" as the "Pickup Location"
Click "Request"
Summit items
Click "Availability & Request Options"
Click "Place Summit request"
Choose "Bend OSU-Cascades Tykeson" as the "Pickup/delivery location"
Click "Request"
Your items have arrived
When your items have arrived you will receive an email at the address you provided. You have 7 business days to pick them up before they are returned to the lending institution.
To pick up your items visit the OSU-Cascades Library desk.