About Our Course Reserves
Course Reserves are textbooks and other required course materials that can be found at the library and check out on short-term loans. You can find a list of this term’s Course Reserves here, or by stopping by the Front Desk to speak with a staff member to see what is available. Some items may not have arrived for the start of the term, but we aim to have all items ready by week 2 of each term.
Not all instructors place materials on reserve; if you are looking for a textbook that isn't on reserve, let us know what class and the library director can reach out to the instructor with more information on creating a reserve text.
Some classroom texts are also available as eBooks. Be sure to check our online catalog if you'd like to see about eBook availability.
The checkout period for the majority of course reserves is 3 hours.
Course reserves are first come, first serve, and can't be recalled or requested. If more copies of a title aren't available, patrons wishing to use the same material more than once in a day must wait 15 minutes between checkouts for 3 hour loans to allow others access.
Want to make a textbook available for students to check out at the library?