Requests may be placed on any general OSU items available through 1Search, the library's catalog. For OSU-Cascades items, staff will retrieve the item and place it on the hold shelf, which you can pick up from the Front Desk at the OSU-Cascades Library (Tykeson 202). You will receive an email when your requested materials are ready for pick up.
If you can't find an item on the shelf, ask Library staff for assistance with finding the item. If it still can't be found, place a request through 1Search, which will trigger additional staff to search for the item. If it's not found, staff will place a Summit request or will direct you to place an interlibrary loan request.
Requests may take up to a week to receive, but typically about 3 business days. You can also request items by visiting the OSU-Cascades Library (Tykeson 202), or by calling (541) 322-2079.
For more information about using 1Search and placing requests, visit this informational guide.
Requests may be placed on general collection OSU Library items that are currently checked out through the library catalog and the book becomes recalled. The recalled status blocks the patron who has it checked out from renewing and will change the due date to one week from when requested. You will receive an email when the item is ready for pick up at Circulation.
If you have an item checked out that has been requested, you receive an email of what your new due date is. You will have one week to return the item from when it was requested. Overdue fines are $2 a day.
Any Summit items can be requested through the library catalog for OSU faculty, staff and students. Summit is a resource sharing service, via the Orbis Cascade Alliance, involving 39 academic libraries in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
For additional assistance review the Summit Borrowing guide.
Use the Interlibrary Loan service to request books not available at OSU or via Summit.
OSU students also have access to COCC's Barber Library. Search their catalog or visit in-person.