Renewals, recalls, and due dates are at the discretion of the lending library.
Loans can be renewed as long as the label on the item does not say "No Renewal" on it. Requests to renew ILL materials must be made through your ILL account. Click "Checked Out Items/Renew" on the first menu after logon.
You will receive an email updating you on the status of your renewal request. Renewals are always conditional. If the lender does not grant a renewal, we may ask for the book back immediately.
Because renewal due dates are based on the date that the request is submitted to the lending library and not an extension of the original due date, the option to request a renewal is open 10 days prior to the due date. You will not be able to submit a renewal request prior to or after that time to ensure you have as much time as possible with the material.
All ILL loans are subject to being recalled by the lending library. You will be notified by email if your due date changes.